

The Mashantucket Pequot Museum and Research Center and Anthropology Department at the University of Connecticut have been asked by the Battlefield Study Advisory Board to conduct the research phase for the King Philip’s War Battle of Great Falls/Wissantinnewag-Peskeompskut (May 19, 1676). The Battlefield Advisory Board is a consortium of three towns and Five Native American tribes (Towns of Montague (Turner’s Falls), Gill, Greenfield; and the Narragansett, Mohegan, Nipmuc, Aquinah Wampanoag, Mashpee Wampanoag). The project is funded by the National Park Service American Battlefield Protection Program.

The Battlefield Advisory Board is seeking scholars and students interested in joining a consortium of academics, Native cultural and historical specialists, local historians and other interested parties for future research collaborations on the 17th Century cultural landscapes of the middle Connecticut Valley and the histories of Native and Colonial peoples in the region. The long-term goal of the Battlefield Advisory Board is to support the region’s economy through historic tourism, develop preservation plans for significant cultural and historical sites in the region, develop a collaborative research and study process to discuss and debate a variety of topics and issues related to King Philip’s War, and provide space to host discussions, house research materials, and host annual meetings.

For more information please contact us!